Georgia STudent health Survey

The GSHS is an anonymous, statewide survey instrument developed by many divisions within the GaDOE including the Assessment and Accountability Division and in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Public Health and Georgia State University. The GSHS identifies safety and health issues that have a negative impact on student achievement and school climate.

Click to download and review the Survey here.

What DFC Offers

LIst of Trainings

40 Developmental Assets

Botvin's Life Skills
for Youth and Parents

7 challenges

Cultural Competence


more to come

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DFC Trainings

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news and events

DFC News

DFC Events

Join, organize and lead

Advisory boards

Parent Advisory Board

The parent advisory board is a group of parents or mentors in Rockdale county who come together to help organize events and Town Hall meetings, assist in trainings and presentations in the community and work to increase collaboration and make a difference in the lives of our youth and families in Rockdale County.

YOUTh Advisory Board

The Rockdale DFC Youth Advisory Board is a group of high school students from Rockdale County who come together to demonstrate various leadership skills, such as decision making, public speaking, organizational and social skills. The youth advisory board provides input on planning and organizing monthly meetings, campaigns, community events and youth activities for the DFC.

Unused or out of date prescriptions

Drop them off

Is your medicine cabinet full of expired drugs or medications you no longer use? Your medicine is for you. What’s safe for you might be harmful for someone else. You can dispose of your expired, unwanted, or unused medicines through a drug take back program — or you can do it at home. 


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Protect our Youth and young adults

Sticker Shock Program

Compliance checks

identifying establishments with laxed regulations educational materials

Scheduled Visits

Preventing and reducing community problems related to underage drinking


Providing materials, calendars and warning labels for doors and windows

STOP selling to underaged youth or individuals who purchase for minors

play your part

We conduct environmental scans in local package and convenient stores aimed at preventing and reducing community problems related to underage drinking, (ie. selling to underaged, individuals who purchase for minors). Stores within the city limits of Conyers scored a 97% on the most recent compliance check conducted by the Department of Revenue and City of Conyers Police Dept. These checks are conducted quarterly. (A compliance check is a standardized enforcement procedure used to identify alcohol establishments that sell to underage youth and to increase retailer compliance with prohibitions on alcohol sales to minors.) We provide educational materials, calendars, warning labels for doors and windows. We talk with them about why this is important and encourage them to take the RASS classes (Responsible Alcohol Sales and Services)-this class is mandatory for all establishments in the City or County who sell alcohol by the “drink”, local restaurants, bars but not convenient stores or package stores. I have also attached all of the materials, stickers, calendars we take to the stores.

Here is what we can do for you

place these in your doors, windows and at your counter

Join Us

Mission: To Promote a spirit of collaboration and cooperation among community entities providing social and human services.

When: First Monday of every month.

Where: Conyers United Methodist Church, 921 N Main St. NW Conyers GA 30012

Who: Individuals and Organizations who desire to make our community a better place.

The Rockdale Community Resource Network (CRN) strives to promote a spirit of collaboration and cooperation among community entities providing social & human services by sharing information and resources to better serve and promote the well-being of children and families in our community.